Clarence Water Filters
ABN 28 675 553 705
Unit 1 / 12 Fair Trader Drive Yamba NSW 2464
Click here for directions to 12 Fair Trader Drive Yamba NSW 2464
Phone 0266468565 or 0266461437
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If you need advise or you have a question about any product simply contact us.
Looking for a filter?
Please give us as much information about the filter as you can. The brand, model, specifications and measurements.
Not sure which system or filters to use?
Tell us about your filtering needs this will help us to give you a much better response to your question.
What is your water supply, chlorinated town, tank, dam, river, bore and what is the water quality like.
Are you on mains pressure, pump or gravity feed and your required flow rate.
Purpose of filtering your water and what you require eg.
Removal of sediment, taste , odour, chemicals or bacteria protection.