Flow-Klean Polyester Phenolic Resin Cartridges


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All Flow-Klean depth constructed from Polyester fibres impregnated with a Phenolic resin.

This combination produces a filter possessing exceptional chemical and heat resistivity.

Flow-Klean cartridges feature a grooved surface structure for greater surface area for enhanced dirt holding, lower pressure drops and longer overall filter life.

Flow-Klean series depth filter cartridges are used in a wide range of applications including:

Oil & Gas Processing – Amine & Glycol, Completion Fluids, Waterflood, Hydrocarbon Streams Industrial – Plating, Desalination, process cooling water, strong oxidising acids and based Coatings – Resin, Automotive Paints, Can Coating, Inks, Emulsions, Adhesives, Resins, Organic Solvents, Coolants, lube oils, Broad Chemical Compatibility, Pesticides, Fertilizers

Due to 3M stopping production or no longer stocking many of their filter cartridges, the Flow-klean cartridges are an affordable replacement for the 3M resin bonded Phenolic cartridges. 3M G78B3-1N and 3M G78B8-1N and many more, depending on the application.

Polyester Phenolic Resin Construction

NOT SUITABLE for uses in Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical applications.

Max temp 121 degrees C

Part A09G005DOE:   5 micron

Part A09G100DOE:   100 micron

Dimensions are 248mm x 63mm with a 27mm centre core

These cartridges are available in a range of micron ratings from 1 to 100 micron and a range of lengths on request. Please contact us for more information and pricing.

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