Hybrid G7 Compatible Replacement UV Lamp and Filter Service Kit

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Generic replacement parts compatible with the Puretec Hybrid G7 Filter System. Affordable non-OEM alternatives to official Puretec parts


Generic replacement parts compatible with the Puretec Hybrid G7 Filter System. Affordable non-OEM alternatives to official Puretec parts. Suitable for both the Puretec Hybrid-G7 and Hybrid-R2 systems.

You have the option of selecting the components you need using the options box just above the “Add to cart” button.

These high-quality components are an affordable alternative to genuine Puretec parts, which are more expensive.

Kit has options for:

  • Replacement Filters Only
    This option includes one 20″ x 4.5″ Pentair® Pentek 5 Micron Pleated Washable Sediment Filter and one 20″ x 4.5″ Pentair® Pentek NCP-20BB 10 micron Pleated Impregnated with Carbon.
  • Filters and Lamp
    In addition to the filters, this includes a powerful 11066 (RL6) 46 to 50 watt UV Lamp
  • Filters and Lamp + 2 O-rings
    In addition to the filters and lamp, you will receive two replacement o-rings for the UV Steriliser’s quartz sleeve. They are designed to slide around the ends of the sleeve. 
  • Filters and Lamp + Quartz Sleeve + 2 O-rings
    Includes filters, lamp, quartz sleeve o-rings, and a new quartz sleeve. Generally, the sleeve only needs to be replaced when it has become cloudy enough to block UV transmission or is damaged.

Recommended Product Lifespans

Recommended lifespan of filters and lamp is 12 months (can vary based on usage and water quality).

The quartz sleeve should be cleaned every 12 months and replaced every 2-3 years or whenever it is no longer sufficiently transparent to permit UV light transmission.

Sleeve O-rings should be replaced whenever the sleeve is cleaned or replaced, however they can be replaced more frequently as a precaution against water ingress into the sleeve.

Hybrid G7 Compatible Parts List

1st Stage: 2045PW5 Pleated Washable 5 micron Sediment Filter

High-quality Pentek pleated washable sediment filter – 5 micron. Removes particulates from your water, including sand, silt, dirt, rust, algae, organic matter, and metal particles.

Can be washed several times to extend its lifespan. Replace as required, maximum lifespan typically 12 months. Suitable replacement for PL05MP2 pleated filter.

2nd Stage: Pentek NCP-20BB 10 micron Pleated Impregnated with Carbon

The NCP-20BB has a unique design, with sediment-reducing pleats that are coated with carbon.

This gives the filter the ability to remove sediment and chemical contaminants while maintaining a high flow rate. Replace as required maximum 12 months.

3rd Stage: Ultraviolet Steriliser

The last stage consists of 3 replacement parts for the UV system:

UV Sleeve – 1 x 21017 (RQS6) Quartz sleeve.

The quartz sleeve surrounds the lamp, isolating it from water. It should be cleaned every 12 to 24 months as it may develop a film which reduces light penetration.

The sleeve should be replaced if it is damaged or it can no longer be cleaned to transparency. This typically occurs after 3-4 years, but can vary greatly based on the quality of the water being sterilised.

UV Lamp – 1 x 11066 (RL6) 46 to 50 watt UV Lamp with 4 pins at one end.

The amount of ultraviolet light produced by UV lamps reduces over time. After 12 months, the amount of UV light produced by an RL6 lamp may be insufficient to ensure adequate disinfection, so the lamp needs to be replaced at this point.

Equivalent to RL6 Hybrid UV Lamp, suits G/R/P Series, 520 mm, 4 pin, 46W. Dimensions 525mm (including pins) x 18.5mm.

Sleeve O-rings – 2 x GT7-2NSF-OR sleeve o-rings

The o-rings stop water from entering the the sleeve and shorting out the lamp’s electrical connectors. Over time, the o-rings can become brittle due to the heat produced by the UV steriliser.

Ideally, you should replace your o-rings every time you remove the quartz sleeve for cleaning (every 1-2 years). Avoid using the same set of o-rings for longer than 2 years, as they might fail and damage your lamp and/or ballast.

Use the drop down box above to select the specific parts you require.

This filter set suits the Puretec Hybrid-G7, Hybrid-R2 systems etc..

Suits HR-G7R2 and R1 20″

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Change The Lamp in a Puretec Hybrid-G7 or Hybrid-R2 system?

The lamp used in the Puretec Hybrid-G7, Hybrid-R2 systems should be replaced every 12 months.

After this point, the lamp may be producing an insufficient amount of UV light to successfully sterilise your water.

When Should I Change The Filters in a Puretec Hybrid-G7 or Hybrid-R2 system?

In most cases, the filters should be changed every 12 months.

However, this can vary based on your water quality and usage. If your water has high levels of sediment, you may find that the filters need to be changed before this point.

It’s important to stay on top of your filter maintenance as dirty filters will allow sediment particles to push through. Those particles block UV light, so it does not reach pathogens as easily and does not adequately sterilise your water.

There are several ways to know that your sediment filters need top be replaced before the 12 month mark, including the following:

  • Your water flow rate has slowed down (usually indicates blocked up sediment filters)
  • You visually inspect the filters and notice they are very dirty
  • Your water looks dirtier than it did previously

Are These Parts The Same Quality As Genuine Puretec Parts?

The filters included in this Filter Service Kit are Genuine Pentek filters made by Pentair. They are high-quality products which are used in both commercial and residential environments.

The UV sleeve and UV lamp are UV Guard products, one of Australia’s leading suppliers of UV steriliser systems and parts.

How Often Should I Wash the Pleated Filter in a Puretec Hybrid-G7 or Hybrid-R2 system?

Pleated washable filters capture a wide range of sediment particles including sand, silt, rust, leaf litter, and mud. Over time, these sediment particles begin to coat the outside of the filter, which can slow your flow rate. You can hose off the filter to remove the top layer of sediment and partially restore your flow rate.

How often you’ll need to wash the filter will depend upon your water quality (how dirty it is) and the amount of water you use per day. However, the average household with reasonable water quality would probably benefit from washing the filter every 3 months.

But don’t worry too much if you don’t have time to wash it — It will just reduce the filter’s lifespan slightly if you don’t wash it.

You can wash most sediment filters between 4-6 times before they will need to be replaced. For instructions on how to wash them, read the next item.

How Do I Wash Pleated Filter?

Turn off the water supply to the system, release the water pressure in the pipes by opening the first tap after the filters and leave it turned on.

Use the housing spanner to undo the sumps turning from right to the left anti clockwise.

Remove the dirty filters and using a bottle brush clean the housing sumps and head.
It’s a good idea to sterilize the sumps and head.

Do not scrub the pleated filter; simply use a garden hose with a spray nozzle to remove dirt. If you are in a situation where you do not have any other water source you can replace the filter sump without the filter to again spray water.

A good idea is to have a second spare filter on hand to swap over each time you service the system.

The pleated filter can be sterilized by putting some water in a bucket and adding some Napisan or Milton bacterial wash and letting it stand for a few minutes.

Use the sterilizing water mix and a bottlebrush to clean the filter housing to reduce the risk of bacteria in your system.

Once you have sterilized the pleated filter rinse with clean water.

Using a clean cloth or paper towel wipe around the o-ring seal and where it seats, before replacing the o-ring use food grade silicone grease to keep the o-ring soft and to help it seal. (Veggie cooking oil will do the same job)

Only hand tighten the housing sumps – do not use the spanner or over tighten sumps – then wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Before turning the water supply on make sure that the first tap after the filter is turned on to release trapped air.

Filters should be inspected and cleaned every 3-6 months depending on your water quality and the amount of sediment in the water. After the first inspection you will have an idea to how often the sediment filter will need to be cleaned.

If flow starts to reduce or you notice extra fine sediment, the filters should be cleaned as soon as possible.



1 review for Hybrid G7 Compatible Replacement UV Lamp and Filter Service Kit

  1. Paul Fitzpatrick

    Purchased these filters as replacements for my G7 unit at my parent’s house. Super fast delivery and the filters are high-quality Pentek products.

    Very happy with the quality and it’s a big cost-saving over official Puretec G7 replacement parts.

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