Low pH Water Neutralising Calcite System for treating acidic low pH water across your whole house.
Low maintenance pH neutralising Calcite vessel system suitable for whole of house filtration. Helps bring low pH water supplies back into a neutral range.
Low pH water is often called acidic water. Acidic water can cause copper pipe corrosion and the tell tails signs are green staining on hand basins, baths, toilets and in showers. Acidic water and high copper levels are a big concern to your health now and in the long term.
Rain water is often acidic and this combined with the storage of the water in lined tanks and poly tanks does not help to bring back the pH reading.
If your pH is below 5.8 pH you will need to add a pH booster to get the pH level above 5.8 to allow the Calcite to bring the water to a neutral state. Neutral pH range being 7 to 7.5 pH
Please contact us if your pH reading is below 5.8 and we will be able to customise a system to suit your requirements.
The system does not need any power to operate as it is a simple natural process of the low pH water running through the calcite media which brings the pH to neutral.
The large media vessel is required to allow the water a longer contact time in the media to achieve flow rates up to 40 LPM of continues flow.
What’s In The Box?
The system includes:
- 52” x 12” vessel and head with 1” female inlet and outlet ports
- 2 x 1″ Poly male nipples
- 2 x 1″ Brass male nipples
- 2 x 1″ Brass non return valves. (to prevent back flow which can damage the vessel)
- 2 x 1″ Brass screwed union fittings for the inlet and outlet sides. (This makes servicing the system easy)
- 1 x 20kg bag of bottom under bed gravel
- 3 x 20kg bags of Calcite media
Depending on your water quality and volume of water used to the life span of the calcite media. As a guide you might need to top up the system with 1/2 a bag to 1 bag of calcite per year. Making the system very economical to run.
If you are interested in learning more about treating acidic water, read our blog post: How To Treat Low pH Acidic Water Using Calcite
What Are The Advantages Of Using Calcite To Correct pH?
- Affordable
- Simple to use
- No chemicals required
- No electricity required
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