LT700P-P Substitute Filter EFF-6032A


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LT700P-P EcoAqua EFF-6032A fridge water filter used in LG, Sears, Kenmore Fridges. Replaces AQP-FF32A and WSL-3

These water filters are found inside the fridge cabinet.

The LT700P-P filters also replace the following part and system numbers ADQ36006101, LT700P, ADQ36006101-S, 048231783705, Kenmore 46 9690 Premium Refrigerator Water Filter ADQ3006102, AquaPort AQP-FF32A 9333353013252

Dimensions are 175mm overall x 43mm

Capacity of 757 litres Recommended replacement every 6 months.

These filters have an endless shelf life if unused, so buy in bulk and save.


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