Manual Multi-Port Valve with By-Pass for Media Vessels and Tanks


Available on back-order

SKU: Manual Multi-Port Valve for Water Treatment Systems with ByPass (MMPV-ByPass) Categories: , , ,


Manual multi-port media valve head with bypass for water filtration vessels and tanks.

Suits any water tank or media vessel with a 2.5” female threaded top.

The head has three 1” Bsp female inlet, outlet and drain ports. 

The sturdy lever on the top can be turned to select between Filtered, Backwash, Fast Rinse and By-Pass.

The by-pass position will allow water to travel straight through the head without being filtered.

Suitable for uses with 1.05” drop tubes.

Includes the O-ring for the base of the head to seal when attached to the vessel/tank, three 1” blue rubber washers are included to provide a tight seal when screwing fittings into the ports of the head.

Top basket will also be included, the basket locks into the head with a twist and fits 1.05” Outer Diameter pipe.

Dimensions are:

Height of Valve Head from the bottom of the Thread to the top of the Handle (170mm)

Width across the head from Port to Port (130mm)

Part number MMPV-ByPass


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